Actually pre-Christmas had it's own craziness, starting with our rental car being cancelled 15 hours before we were suppose to pick it up. We were then very glad to have such great friends. We called Walter and Troy first (they let us borrow their car over thanksgiving), who were in Texas at the time. And posted on Facebook that we needed a car. We also called EVERY single car rental agencies in the greater Chicagoland area, none of them had cars.
This also made us realize that James, who was coming into Midway at 9pm Christmas Eve was not going to be able to rent a car and would need a ride if our friends could come through. Within two hours we had two offers. Maria and Diane offered theirs shortly after Troy called us back and said their landlord would let us in to ge the car keys.
So Christmas Eve, we drove out to Midway in our friend's car and picked up James. The weather wasn't too great and the drive to Iowa was a long one. We didn't arrive until 2am!
Char was very nice to leave on the tree and some festive music to greet us. Mike and I took turns stuffing stockings before falling into bed, glad to sleep.
In the morning we woke up to a beautiful white Christmas.
This was the scene out the living room window. We were glad to be there safe with family.
Christmas in Iowa was beautiful with snow.
The Kublies were the first to get to Bob and Chars and we just couldn't wait for the first loaf of Santa Lucia coffee cake.
Alyssa (now AJ) may be growing up, but Christmas made her like a kid again, begging to open the presents and wanting to guess what everyone got. And even though her favorite gifts were a purse and a watch, she still jumped up and down like they were the toy she had been hoping for.
It wasn't long before the Grudzinas showed up, they brought an instant party with their six family members. Dressed up cute, we felt silly in our pj's but were more excited to finally open our presents. When questioned about the hold up getting there, we were greeted with this look:
All the gifts were opened and we were all grateful, for toys and fondue pots and just the time together. There was also a little jealousy of the gift given others too. Pretty sure Kim had an eye on the crocheted blanket Char gave me and Mike liked the look of the snuggly Char got and it looks like Grant liked the purse that AJ got!
Most popular gift?
Later that night we went out to Marcya and Grant's movie theatre. The kids were happy to show us around.

The kids running around the theatre, the way they obviously felt ownership and proud to know things about how it all works was great.
It reminded me of the inn and how important it felt to live there and work there and have a sense of ownership over the family business.
It was nice to see Juliana at work, sweeping the floor.
Marcy then showed me how they thread the film into the projectors.
These huge tables hold the whole film. Which comes in much smaller rolls that they have to splice together on a splicing table. So cool.
There are a bunch of rollers and threading steps between the table and the projector.
Which has even more, some of which have very specific tricks like angles and pinky sized loops and such.
And I thought my sewing machine is complicated!
The theatre is great, they want to show mainly independent and foriegn movies that otherwise might not be shown in Dubuque, but they also show the major movies to get people in and pay the bills.
I really wanted to see "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas," but we missed that one, so we saw "Marley and Me" instead. It is a very sad/happy movie abou the way a dog can enrich your life and even if they can be difficult sometimes, dog lovers wouldn't want to live with out them, even though they will eventually leave us.
After the movie we headed over to Joe and Jenny's. They have a new house. Well new to them. Well not even new to them exactly because it's her grandpa's old house. They have always loved it and so when he passed and his collective kids put it up for sale, Joe and Jenny jumped at the chance to buy it.
It has tons of space, in the finished basement there is a storage area, a large living room, with fireplace, a bedroom and a full bathroom. Upstairs there are three large bedrooms, two full baths and a living, dining and kitchen. It is spacious and nice and they had already redone all the flooring.
And what goes better with new flooring, but a puppy!
I didn't get this, but it is a charecter in "the Neverending Story." I was more of a "Labryinth" girl myself.
But he wasn't the only cute thing at Joe and Jenny's, their kids are pretty cool too.
Here's Logan sporting the two coolest christmas presents they recieved. Hulk gloves and Storm Trooper helmet. Both talk and were priceless together.
It was a night of fun. James was there too and it was Trivial Pursuit 80's time. I'm never good at Trivial Pursuit. The 80's wasn't much better.
Thank goodness there was an adorable pup to distract me.

Everyone looked great in there jewl-tones. Which was apparently a new term for some members of the family.

But the highlight of lunch, by far, was the taco pizza. I have never had taco pizza before. Apparantly it is not exclusive to Happy Joes, but I hear they have the best.
But soon it was late and we had to get back to Bob and Char's and our pooch.
The 26th was family photo day. We had it taken by a friend of the family. Can't wait to see how they turn out.
After that it was lunch at Happy Joe's. Apparantly a Dubuque institution that Mike has forgotten to take me to all this time!
You order at the counter up front and then they call your order when it's ready. But the fun part is watching them through the window on the left here in the picture, where the two little boys are.
Was glad to have lunch and spend just a little more time with the Kublie family. The kids here with their Uncle James.
But there was yet another play date. Stanley was meeting the Grudzina's pup Pepper.
A year old, she is big and fiesty.
And running.
So she stoppped to lean in for love.
But then more running after Stanley and more playing in the snow.
Stanley likes that too.
But the kids liked playing with their Uncle Mike.

But eventually we all got cold and went inside. We played games and cuddled on the couch and Stanley finally got a good sniff of Pepper and realized she's a she. And he finally liked her too.
But the kids liked playing with their Uncle Mike.
Thad and Dawn.
Carrie and Aaron.
We had dinner at L May. Yummy food. Drinks. Friends. What more could you ask for. Perhaps running into a first kiss? There was a girl there that played opposite Mike in the Sound of Music. She sent a drink over and Mike went over and they chatted. Turns out their stage kiss was her first. Now she's married and has a baby.
But after dinner it was back to Joe and Jenny's. This time with Stanley and Todd.
We drove back to Bob and Char's early. We had breakfast and hit the road early for once. It was great getting home by 6pm.
Even if the following 24 hours were filled with the flu.
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