Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome to my Lair

This is my booth. I love it. It is actually quite spacious compared to many booths. Here I am blocking a sweater vest on the floor during a two show day. My knitting is reluctantly accepting by my boss David and embraced by my two crew mates as they knit too. We joke that you have to be able to knit to get a job on the crew, as the two previous crew members knit as well.

I love that we switched to running the shows on a computer, it gives us greater flexibility and control. And I can read my favorite blogs during the show. You are also looking at two knitting projects about to get frogged, my trusty nalgene and the virtually defunct CD and MD rack. Up in the empty slot, that's a pic of my Mike and our dog Stanley. I love that picture. Another momento would be that green blob to the right of my computer screen, that a love note from our last show, As You Like It. Shannon(ASM), David(SM) and I spent ten minutes putting up those notes on the trees at intermission.

Here is the top of that rack, snacks, tea, back-up water, my running notebook, contact sheet and kleenex. All essentials. Especially the kleenex becuase we get blasting AC up in the booth and it always causes David and I to have sneezing fits. I also knit my very own booth blanket, in black of course.
The booth is a great place to knit, read and get away from the unruly actors backstage if need be, which it often does. More about them another time.

I have been training a sub the past couple days and it is hard to watch someone else do your job. This person is a fine person. Something about her personality doesn't always sit well with people, but she is much more knowledgable and qualified for my job than I am. I get very flustered talking to sound people sometimes, because I can't seem to keep up with them. I've lost my vocab and don't care for equipment. Finding out what's new and hot isn't fun. Although when I was in school it was. I liked being able to handle it and hear the differance it made. Reading about it in a mag just isn't the same. Anyway, so I had a really hard time talking to her and knowing that she would be better at my job, and I really did want her to have it, the theatre deserves someone with solutions to their problems. But I know that my co-workers don't care for her and so I can't in good conscience encourage her inquiries. I'm glad I don't have anything to do with getting my replacement. Cause I don't know which is more important, it's such a small work space and odd hours, that you really do need to get along with everyone to make it work.
And she knits.
Speaking of sound people making me feel stupid, met another Columbia sound alum on the metra the other night and he wanted to know what kind of board I have, of course I couldn't remember. It's a Sound Craft, Spirit. It's cute and a great workhorse. Not as sexy as the baby Midases (my true love in college, see I did like equipment back then), but gets the job done.

Thank you Sound Craft. I'm sorry I take you for granted.

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

Looks like you're living your dream! Cool. Just keep going for it, eh?