Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rainy but Relaxing

It rained on and off during our weekend trip to Wisconsin. Our first night brought a constant drizzle and a drop in temperature. So we got our first glimpse of our hotel through a rain splattered windshield.
The Silver Star Inn is far out in the countryside of Spring Green, Wisconsin. It is a lovely ten room inn, a retreat in the wilderness. Thank goodness the way was well-marked by signs becuase even after two days Mike would still almost miss the turns. I loved the log-cabin architecture, but never did ask how old the building is.
But the best part by far were the excelent breakfasts. So good I didn't remember to take a picture until it was almost gone. Cinnamon waffles with bacon one day and herbed scrambled eggs with ham and potatoes the next. yum. We spent our down time here playing games, like these dominos at breakfast and YATZHEE, which was a first for Mike. I think it is going to become "his" game because he beat me three out of four. And got mulitple yatzhees one game. Good thing I'm not a sore loser.

There are a few things to occupy your time in the area, one notable we din NOT get to this time is Frank Llyod Wright's Taliesan. What we saw from a distance was beautiful, but the tour is very expensive, so another time.
I was very glad to get a break from the rain and take out a canoe on Friday morning. Mike called the big puffy clouds "Simpson's Clouds." And they did resemble the cartoon drawings from the opening sequence. I love being in a canoe, so quiet and a great view. I paddle for a while and then let Mike and the current take over and just relax. The Wisconsin river was so smooth, you would almost think it wasn't moving at all. But even without paddling, the canoe would zip along in the current. It was over too soon.
We even had a African Queen moment when we were so close to our destination, but got stuck up on a sand bar, so Mike had to get out and push, of course he only got wet to the ankles.

But the highlight of the weekend was our evening at American Players Theatre. I enjoyed going early with our cobbled together picnic and just enjoying the atmosphere. And all those people, so festive. But before long the rain was back. We braved the slow but steady downpour. Soaked to the bone by the end, but glad the show was not cancelled altogether. It was so great to see "Midsummer Night's Dream" for my first time live and to see my friends being the iconic characters. Marcus said his Puck, and the whole show, didn't have quite the pace it usually did, but I enjoyed it regardless. It was SO FUNNY! What a fun way to spend a summer. I am jealous. Thanks guys.

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