Before I say anything about the play I must preface by saying I know nothing. I am not a theatre expert. I graduated with a degree is sound not theatre. I have only my opinion. Not any authority. I enjoy plays that I enjoy that is all.
The stats:
Picnic is by William Inge. It takes place on two porches and the yard inbetween them. 1950's starting labor day morning and ending the next morning.
This Production
It would have been very dull for me sound wise, not because the design was bad, it's just a realistic show that requires very little. Both the sound and the lights were seamless with the enviroment and therefore enjoyable. Lights were beautiful.
Costumes were great, a great time period for clothes and they were fun to look at.
Honestly the acting was touch and go. But these things can be hard to pinpoint. The text can really throw actors curve balls, especially with such a dated script. And I also should say that the play was turned into a screenplay and I didn't much like the movie or the acting in the movie, so who knows. I have never considered myself much of a judge of these things. I probably just don't like the play.
But there was one part of this production I was truly thankful to have experienced. The set. AMAZING!!! It better win some sort of award. It was beautiful. Jack McGaw reimagined the space. They added a bank of seats upstage and took out a row of seats dowstage and built two porches. Tree branches float and canopy over the stage and seats. Just beautiful. Transforming. Totally happy to sit in that space, everyperson in that audience is a part of the playing space, of the enviroment, of the STAGE. A great experience.
So overall pleasant. There were some high points especially the overall design of the show. And I should say that individual performances I liked too. The mother and the school teacher and her beau stood out for me. So If you are at all curious and enjoy a good set, check it out.
Time seems to be getting away from me. My best friend since third grade is getting married on October 31st (halloween has always been her FAVORITE). I need to start preparing for Erin's wedding in earnest. Dresses to fit, reservations to make and tickets to buy. October is almost here and I have a feeling it will come and go as quickly as September. And yet the house is still not as far along/as homey as I would like it to be. Will it ever be?
Please come over and see. I need more opinions. More advice. And maybe a little reassurance.
This week I must get my Sun Room in order. Things must fit in there stored somehow or they must GO! I will be tough on syself and my stuff. Then I will feel better. Then I can begin curtains.
In the meantime I plan to try and squeeze every last drop out of this lovely late summer early fall that is surrounding us. Hold on with both hands.
1 comment:
You have such a great way writing with a free flow thought. My mind often gets so jumbled, I forget words and then my sentences make no sense whatsoever. Maybe that is just the wedding, work, classes, Disney recruitment, City Pulse theatre judging talking? :)
Paul and I picked up gifts for the hotel rooms yesterday, cute and fun.
Also, share with Mike we saw Hillary Clinton in GL!? Paul said he would love to talk politics with Mike sometime, so if you ever get tired of talking about politics (wink, wink) tell Mike to give Paul a call. He is obsessed!
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