Thursday, October 2, 2008

In Case You Were Wondering...

I do still knit.

Maybe not as much and too many things at once, hence little progress and fewer FO(finished objects). But more on the knitting later.

I had a very busy morning. Three hours of weeding, but these are JUMBO weeds so it was more like digging. Burr plants, rag weed and a few others. I just concentrated on the big ones, that was enough to work on.

And this is the mountain is what I ended up with.

Plus a sore back, dirty feet and burrs ALL OVER. Here is a bunch of them on my shoe. I was glad that I wore two layers on my bottom half, but the long sleeve t-shirt didn't give so much protection and I ended up with little scratches all over my arms.

I also transplanted some of the raspberry plants along one edge and from around the rhubarb plant to make the planter easier to get around. It doesn't look pretty, but in the spring I can plant black eye susans and other hardy big pretty plants to fill in the gaps. And maybe make a path so the berries on the inner part of the planter can be reached more easily.

Stanley had a GREAT time running around the yard. I think he would be happy to spend that much time out there everyday. I caught him eating dirt at one point, so I am going to keep an eye on him. Seems like that would give a guy a sore tummy.

And now I will spend the rest of my day inside knitting...

This is going to be a baby sweater. Commissioned by a friend for a friend. This will be a fast project, I love racing through these kinds of projects, it feels so good to watch it grow and complete.

Scarves can be fun to watch grow, but boy do they take a long time, especially lacy ones...I finally blocked this recently finished scarf, which I have been knitting on for awhile. I only realized it was finished when Shannon told me it was. Okay, but what will I do with the extra? Why not some lacy gloves? she said. DUH! The lace pattern was originally from the palm of a glove pattern...

I hope to have enough yarn to make them too. I love Interweave.

So these two patterns are taking priority and the two sweaters for myself a backseat. The one has hit a , do I have enough yarn to finish? road bump, so a break from that is welcome. The other is going fine, but I just started the second front panel and getting bored. Hopefully these two relatively shorter projects will help be reinvigorate. Time to knit...

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