Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bitty's Shower

I worked on a blanket with Sara, Christa and Maria. We each did about 6 squares each and I put them together. Each of our squares are different, so you can tell who made which one.
Sara's were basket weave. Christa's were loose garter stitch. Maria's a tight garter stitch and mine were mitered squares.
Here is the blanket layed out Tuesday night after Sara dropped off all the squares. The balls of yarn are stands in for the squares I had left to knit. A lot of work between Tuesday night and Sunday. I finished the squares by Wednesday and started sewing them together. By Friday I was picking up stitches all the way around and knitting the border. And mom suggested that we line it in yellow flannel. So Saturday morning my mom helped by cutting and pinning it to the back.

So in the car, on the way home, I sewed,

and sewed, until it was done.

In plenty of time for the shower.
It is in the box with the polka dot paper. The little box is my gift for her, three baby bibs.
As part of the shower, we were asked to give a children's book instead of a card. So I gave her "I Like You." Mike gave me this book our first Christmas. We still read it together everyonce in a while. I really like it, I hope they do to.

Rebekah's Shower was thrown by her sister Amanda and her mom at Amanda's condo.
It's beautiful and the decorations made it the cutest.
Yummy punch and fruit and cucumber sandwiches.

There were lots of places to sit and talk and eat the yummy food.

But there wasn't time for chatting, there were games to play!
Match the celebrity baby to the celebrity parents
(I didn't know a single one.)

Don't say "baby"
(I didn't say baby, but didn't catch anyone either.)

And How Big do you think Rebekah's Belly is?

There was special baby tape to measure hers.

And then use to compare our guesses to.

Most of us were about 6 in too long.
In the end there was a tie between two inches too long and two inches to short.
And who could forget.
Who Has the Stinky Doo?
(Glad I lost that one.)

Maria won it, and she shared her Jelly Bellys.

Enough games, it's present time!
There were two adorable little girls at the party, they liked opening the presents even more than Rebekah did!

Well, except the blanket, she loved it. I was glad.

And it had turned out beautifully.

She likes the bibs too.

This gift bag matched the invite we were sent.
We were all excited when gifts were done,
becuase it was cupcake time!

We all had a good time and it was nice to meet Rebekah's mom and mother-in-law. They are two special ladies.

But it was time for the fun times to end. The melting babies said so.

And the piles of opened gifts and crinkled, ripped paper.

A good day and thanks to good friends, a great time.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I really love how the blanket turned out! You ladies did an amazing job!