STOP THE PRESSES!!!! I was all set to show the great knitting I finished in the past couple days and talk about my coworkers and the cookout we went to last night when...
...the call came in, and I'm up for an interview morning after tomarrow! I had dropped off my resume exactly two weeks ago, and of course those were the two weeks that the manager was out of town...but she called me and seems excited to interview as soon as she can, even going so far as asking me to come in before the store opens Wednesday to get it in as soon as possible. Yipppeee!
Because this is IT, the wonderous Armitage Paper Source, where I have been wanting to work for four years. Oh please do not let this new dream lover of a job stay that, I'm ready to leave behind the needy theatre and find a new true love job.
The best part, and scariest, is that she asked me to bring in sample of my paper arts. I Am So Excited and Had to Look Through Everything Now! Hence posponing showing my fabulous finished knitting and new WIPs. And can you blame me look at this selection of works, just as luscious and inspiring as my knitting and yet so much easier to share because, although tastes still differ, one size fits all.

So what to bring, or really, how much is too much? I need to demonstrate all the skills listed in my resume:
using paper source products, not only papers, but kits like my planner
gocco (an awesome silk screen printer)
making paper
designing cards and invites
scrapbooking which includes using paper creatively, grommitting, distressing ect ect.
I'll probably take most of it, for a decent variety, cause honestly, I have made even more than this, but they are things I give away, not keep. Never knew people would want to look at them. Now I feel like a dope, but my life is so cluttered with things waiting to get made, it's hard for me to keep all this stuff around. Oh well, I think there is plenty.
The hardest part is picking a scrapbook. I have four, wedding, knitting and two life. Well it's really between to two life ones. I just pulled out my invite from the wedding one, and the knitting one really doesn't show much skill. I might just bring both, they are just so HUGE. I am going to through and mark pages that use paper source products especially well and see what I got in each.

Here are things I've made with the gocco, how cool are these. Everytime I use it I get better. I love how even though it is the same image, each print is slightly different, even if it's from opperator error, it's still cool.
Oh I just realized one of my FO's made it into the big group shot, that red pouch in the bottom right corner-ish is my new knitting pouch, which has it's very own business card pocket...
...more on that next time.