Thursday, July 17, 2008

Birdies, Kitties and Booties

No not a nursery rhyme, but my latest finished objects. Here we have my new knitting pouch. Having lost my old one, with my fishing reel tape measure and tiny calculator was SO sad, I needed to make my new one something that would make me smile everytime I use it. So we start with a strawberry red and one of my favorite stitch patterns:

Little Birdies! At least that's what I call them. They are most often featured on children's clothing, but I would love a cardigan matching this beautiful pouch.

And check out the inside. I added little pocket for my sewing needles and another for my knitting cards. It is the perfect size, not too big so as to take up extra space, but big enough for small balls of yarn and extra needles. Now I just need to get another little calculator, cause you never know when you may need to do some maths.

Now these booties are especially special because they are for the unborn babe of Tracy and Marcus, who were our Roselinde and Orlando in As You Like It. It is determinded that they baby was conceived during tech, how they found the energy, I'll never know. But this is not only special because we were around at time of conception, but because Tracy thought she couldn't have children. So we are all totally hyped for her, not even because we also witnessed her first three monthes, but because it is an unexpected blessing. Now that she's on her fifth month, and she found out it's a boy, it was time for me to knit up some booties to celebrate. They are tiny tiny. Not sure they will fit even newborn, but they are too cute.

And lastly KITTIES!!! I love this, as does everyone else who sees it. It is based on the Colette Pullover by Veronik Avery from Interweave Winter 2007 issue. Obviously this one has no sleeves, because I didn't have enough yarn. But my gauge was also different, so I just used the stitch pattern and pic as a guide and did my own thing. But the stitch pattern makes it, so thank you Veronik, I love these kitties. And it's not creepy because I don't own any. whew. I had a few moments while making it when I felt like a cat lady, I just loved watching them grow and multiply. Every time a new row of them was finished I would make them sing, "meow, meeooow, meow!"

Okay showing a whole new level of crazy, but I can blame this one on the boss man. David came up with the singing cats during As You Like It. It was a semi-musical and had lots of tunes that stuck in you head, to conteract, or just entertain us David started singing along to transition music it a cat voice. It makes every thing more fun. So now we do it all the time. Mostly on headset, not in public. I even found him a meowing cat card for his birthday. Yes theatre people are strange, but actually after a while, it's really freeing because these people appreciate the little bit of crazy in everyone! Come join the theatre, and let your crazy free!

Back to the cute sweater, Love it. Must find long sleeve shirt that will go well under it. Too warm to wear right now anyway. almost makes me wish for fall.

So now I have two new things on the needles, but more about them tomarrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That kitty vest is bad ass! Love it, cat power (not the band, although they are not bad) forever :)