On Monday we went out in celebration of Mike's Birthday. First to the Cultural Center where we saw an art exhibit featuring works by many various artists that where inspired by Marilyn Monroe. From photographs of the lady herself to Warhols' silk screens to almost abstract representations. It was extensive and fun to look at. Although I have to say my favorites were the photographs, she had such a way with the camera that the artists just couldn't capture that. But the highlight was getting to see the newly restored Tiffany dome. The sunlight can now shine through it as initially intended. It glows with a beauty I wish I had time to gaze at for hours.
But we were due to have dinner an drinks at Andy's Jazz Club. It was a delicious meal, and although a little pricey, it was worth it. Friends Heather, with her brother-in-law and Lisa came to dinner. And Justin came later for drinks.
Mike wearing Justin's stylish sunglasses.
And then the second jazz group started to play. Seven member ranging in age and race, they were fun. The man stading center in this picture was Mike's favorite, loved his jaunty beret. But I liked the bassist, especially after finding out he also plays a japonese three-stringed guitar that he learned at the age of three in the geisha house where he was born. The japonese style jazz was a new and exciting experience.
So we had a fun night, much thanks for friends and good food.
One more reason for celebration, I finally finish my Dafodil socks!
YIPPEEE!! They fit, the odyssey for this yarn is over. Now I just need cooler weather to wear them in.
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