Here are Kipp and Rawson (LtoR). Rocking out to accapella "Eye of the Tiger" on my ipod.
Kipp works on the tour boats dowtown, which fits him so well. He has a great, deep, southern drawl, but is amazingly good at many accents, which makes him a great story teller. My fav so far is the train conductor that got hit in the eye with an umbrella "Some jackoff just poked me in the eye with his umbrella!"
Rawson has his day job at Second City Box Office. A great gig for him, especially the cute interns. He is one of THE funniest people I have had the pleasure of hanging out with. And is intensely proud to be Canadian, not American, even though he has lived here for 11 years. We try not to give him a hard time about it, he's just patriotic for his own country.
And this is Tiffany. She is especially good at mocking the sounds of odd things, dogs, bells, brakes. It's HILARIOUS. Her and Rawson are a comedic duo, I love being around when they get going. Especially when they start imitating "Bringing Up Baby" which Rawson just recently watched. "What's in the box David?" sends me into fits of giggles everytime.
We were all very excited this past week when Kipp got to go on! Chris's brother was getting married suddenly and off he went to Hawaii, and Kipp took over. Here he is in Chris's costume, backstage. It's a little long on him because Chris is a VERY tall guy, but luckily, it was okay with the period of the play. He did an amazing job, love that accent. He was especially glad to get to trim back the beard and hair from slave length to a more princely look.
I especially loved when she did jazz hands while we sang "happy birthday" to her. what a hamm.
We always have such a good time at the theatre. Everyone gets a long and make eachother laugh. It makes going to work so easy, something to look forward to, not dread.
But even so, the highlight of my night is going home. Mostly because it means a train or car ride home with these guys. It changes every night, sometimes we sit together, sometimes we don't. If we do we are endlessly entertained. If not just good conversation, Rawson can always be counted on to step it up a notch:
This started with him lamenting his LONG and voluminous hair.
Finding new use for my knitting, as a knight's cowl.
Yeah, he's a bit of a camera whore, but I just count myself lucky that I can be there to witness the gooffiness. But sometimes I wonder how long my luck will last...
Well at least I don't have to have a beard. (Kipp is itchy, but Michael Fagan, I'll cal him Fagan, is not)
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