What we call the sun room in the back. It looks to be a porch that they walled in to make an additional "bedroom." A great studio-like-space with lots of windows, looking out at the BACKYARD!!!
An Electronic Scrapbook
What we call the sun room in the back. It looks to be a porch that they walled in to make an additional "bedroom." A great studio-like-space with lots of windows, looking out at the BACKYARD!!!
And it just happened to be my favorite of the night. I love BBQ eel. Really. YUM.
Before we knew it it was game time!
The beautiful confines of Wrigley Field. I know the basic rules, but I don't follow baseball that closely. Yet, it is a sad summer that goes by without me getting to see a game at Wrigley, so we bought tickets and invited a couple friends. Steve Hall, a very avid and cool Cubs fan, had an emergency at work and had to stay late, so we called around.
I was pleased as punch that long-time-no-see bud Amber could come! Mike made it sort of a surprise, having her meet us there and not telling me who. I was nervous because I REALLY wanted Amber to come, and didn't want to be dissappointed. phew!
Boy did we cheer for the Cubbies. We screamed and clapped until our hands were sore and Mike started to lose his voice (although I tend to think that was all the beer.) They all had favorite players, Justin like Fontenot, Amber has a thing for DeRosa, and Mike is keen on Theriot and Johnson. I am ashamed to say that I didn't really get attached to anyone, usually I'll have one by the end of the game. Maybe because it was such a good game, or because I was SO GIDDY to just be out instead of doing the show. They have been following all season, so I didn't feel too bad, they have earned their fan-hood. I just love the energy at Wrigley, and hanging out with friends.
We had a great time.
I even got cotton candy, first time in probably 10 years, just as delicious, and yet stickier. And why do they only sell them in those HUGE bags. Even between Amber, Justin (gorging himself here) and me we still had a third of it left. And that was enough for the next ten years.
It is always so great to see Justin. He's way cute and hip. I always feel a little shabby and yet cooler when he's around. After he left us that night I hear he stayed up until 5am! On a Tuesday! Way out of our league.
All that cheering must have been worth it because the Cubs won 5 Cin-Cin 0. GO CUBS!!!
And I am looking at the pics I took last night and getting a little misty eyed. I counted on crying sometime yesterday, and I did get choked up a couple of times, but Grandma would be proud that I managed to keep it together. Of course now its trapped inside me and I sort of wish I could have gotten it out with my friends around me instead of by myself over my keyboard. Does that have more dignity?
Mostly I am missing the cast. I know I just saw everyone last night, but I know we will not be forced into hanging out together. And I really want to hang out again. I am hoping that I will really really be friends with all these people I want to be friends with. Wanting to call them right now and be like, "Do you really still like me and want to hang out?!?"
Have I told y'all that one of our cast got engaged?!? CONGRATS TIFFANY!!!!
Yes, on Monday night, champagne on the rooftop and a diamond ring proposal.
You can just make out that she has a ring on her left hand in pic here...I'll try and get a good shot of it. Tiffany has been with her man for six months and two months ago she told me she knew he was it, so I am totally thrilled for her. I met him briefly at opening and he seems like a nice guy. Rawson has chatted with him a couple of times and thinks he's one cool dude. And Tiffany is like the cutest, sweetest, funniest chick around. So I am sure they will be very happy together.
Of course my mind goes straight to invitations, locations, bands...ahh weddings. The best excuse for the best party of your life...
Meanwhile Shannon was dreaming of a tropical getaway during the show, all over her performance report. he he.
And Mike was just dreaming. Yes this is what I come home to most nights. I am really looking forward to having an awake husband EVERY time I come home from work.
And now on Shannon's request, this video of Rawson.
In case you are wondering that is one of those musical birthday cards that plays the chick dance song. It was given to David by Writers' business maven Kate.
This is Adrian, she understudies our queen. She comes to watch the show up in the booth once a week and we chat before and after the show.
sorry it's sidways, i can't figure out how to get it right way up.