Side Note: I am devestated that a great picture of Laura and Rawson has disappeared off my camera!!! Curses! This has never happened to me before...
"If I find out who is responsible they shall pay!"--that's Super Manly Rawson coming to my rescue. hehe.
One of my running jokes with Michael here is that I'm a bit of a drunk. I have made a very small number of mistakes, but they are always due to my drunkeness. And now it is just something he says when I head up to the booth, "try not to drink too much and f#ck up tonight!" or something. Tonight I lost balance trying to get a picture and almost stumbled into him, and it was "again, with the drinking! You could have taken my eye out with you elbow, but at least you got it all on film!" He cracks me up.
Or is it Myrtle?
And a rare appearance of me. Today was my wedding anniversary. You can't see all that well, but I am wearing my great-grandmother's earrings that I wore that day three short years ago. We just had a small celebration, I got us a piece of cake with lemon curd filling, like we had at our wedding and Mike brought me flowers. In a few weeks, we will be going up to Wisconsin for a couple nights for a real celebration. Can't wait. But right now I need all my energy to get through this weekend. Four more shows left in my theatre career. Crazy.
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