I love this pic I took of Tiffany the other day in Glencoe. So Idyllic. It sums up my pleasure at getting the job at Paper Source. YIPPEEE!!! No more worry. I can just enjoy each day. Until I realize that I will be leaving behind this life that I love. Oh theatre, I will miss you. I took all the rest of these pics yesterday. What a fun life.
There is a lot of love with this cast. Tiffany treats Rawson like a favorite pet, in the cutest way possible. I love piling in on the couch with everyone. After spending my day alone, I love coming to work with these peeps.
It was Shannon's birthday yesterday, so that increased the love-o-meter as well.

And snacks are always being shared and entertaining.

But the actors provide most of the entertainment.

I can't believe I'll be leaving, but not every cast is this fun. Sure am glad I got this one as my last though. Chris says I will never find people as interesting and stimulating as I do in theatre. Maybe he's right.

I'll just cry in my wine like Laura here. Well at least the drinking makes the train ride home SO much more bearable.

And the friends I ride home with.

We crack eachother up.

Even if I don't know what they are talking about, it still makes me smile. This is a really great job, getting to meet cool people and hang with them almost everynight has made these some of the best years of my life. I know I will look back at them with rose colored glasses, but that's okay. I just hope that by leaving I will be able to form more lasting friends both in theatre and out. Becuase the downside is, the show ends, and everyone goes their separate ways. Sure there are reunions when we get a chance to see eachother's shows, or even work together again, but I'm looking for more than single serving friends. It's hard for me to have friends working 6 nights a week nine months of the year. I hope I can hold onto some of these guys in the months to come, they have been a lot of fun.

Who wouldn't want to be friends with this guy?!?
1 comment:
Robert Altman once said at the 2006 Oscars, "I've always said that making a film is like making a sand castle at the beach. You invite your friends and you get them down there, and you say you build this beautiful structure, several of you. Then you sit back and watch the tide come in. Have a drink, watch the tide come in, and the ocean just takes it away. And that sand castle remains in your mind."
I think film-making and theatre productions are sometimes one in the same. I have a deep appreciation and understanding of your experiences in the theatre. However, your new career destination sounds exciting and daring. Be strong and you'll be victorious as usual..even if it is scary! ;) (even from way back, you seem to set amazing goals and achieve them well, I was always envious)
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