Well the not fun part was before and during the first show. Jane was gone for the day and so it was very quiet at the theatre before the actors got there. I never realized how much her silliness and chattiness gets me going, in a good way. I missed her. luckily eventually the crazy actors got here and we had a Very Good Time today.
During the first show we had the Best Audience Quote, overheard by Michael Canavan as he left stage, "I am going to the bathroom as soon as intermission starts!"
Shannon, Rawson, Tiffany and I got Chin's (local Chinese) for dinner and ate together out on the patio. I told them about my marathon video watching to get the discs ready to give everyone. Rawson and all have taken a LOT of videos, some just silly, but some hilarious. So we talked about our favorites from the cicada symphony to "How dare you sir, I am a Lady!" and many others, we entertained each other with reinactments that we even funnier. ahh. Nothing is funnier than an inside joke.
The second show, we were all a little giddy, only THREE MORE!!!

And it's a good thing because Rob sure is sick of peanutbutter and jelly.

The ladies love it when Rawson sticks his head through the curtain.

Best of all Canavan had arranged for a Chinon wine tasting (a region of France mentioned in the play.) Chris was kind enough to give us a littel wine tasting lesson. It was very informative, but let's face it theatre people and wine...There was much silliness. A BBC like reading of the performance reports. Various possible meanings for the abbreviation PDA, legitimate and otherwise. Rawson's appalatian Lion in Winter. Less than an hour and three bottles of wine later, it was time for our last ride of the Metra.

Tonight it was me and these four (LtoR Fagin, Laura, Rawson and Kipp). The train was full of drunken party goers. Singing Kareokee style and causing a ruckus. A loud and entertaining ride home. Laura had a party to get to and did a little makeup touchup, and helped Fagin out with his too. Oh and the pic above is their band photo.

Here I am quite toasty and enjoying my ride home. Thanks Metra for all the rides and thanks friends for keeping me from falling alseep at worst and making it a good time at best.
And now I have a record 40 pictures and videos to sort through before I can hit the sack.
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