It's over. The last day has come and gone and it was mostly a blur and yet had great moments that I felt like I could reach out and touch it. I think this happens with any day that is anticipated, weddings (especially your own), exotic vacations, holidays... It is going to take me a few days to process it all. So I am going to talk about my last day in a very sentimental drawn out way. Sorry, but I am sentimental girl.
And I am looking at the pics I took last night and getting a little misty eyed. I counted on crying sometime yesterday, and I did get choked up a couple of times, but Grandma would be proud that I managed to keep it together. Of course now its trapped inside me and I sort of wish I could have gotten it out with my friends around me instead of by myself over my keyboard. Does that have more dignity?
Mostly I am missing the cast. I know I just saw everyone last night, but I know we will not be forced into hanging out together. And I really want to hang out again. I am hoping that I will really really be friends with all these people I want to be friends with. Wanting to call them right now and be like, "Do you really still like me and want to hang out?!?"
Now that I got all that out I can tell you how the day started yesterday. Shannon picked me up and she claimed she wasn't sad at all. She is too excited about her new job, and done with this one. I am done with so many things about this job, but I also have a sinking feeling that it is the
best job you can have. The people you work with and the bonds, however temporary are amazing. Theatre is family and every show you work on expands your family.
We get to the theatre and like every closing, it's crazy, you have these small things that you want to do for the cast and eachother, as well as all the normal stuff. And you don't want to miss anything, anyone arriving every moment is precious and jubilant.
And there are gifts. At the very least I know I have come away with a handful of good friends. The best being my two crew buds. But since this is the last show of the season we each had a little something for the others. I love giving gifts best of all.

Shannon and I did Jane's gift together. We shopped for supplies together, each made our own version and then wrapped them together.

I made the wrist pincushion and Shannon the big one. I love how she embroidered Jane's name on it, so if she decided to leave it at the theatre it won't get swiped.

Shannon's gift I did on my own because I had a very specific idea. I have been meaning to make it for months now.

Kinda hard to see in this pic, but that purple crown on her head was something I made for the neices for Christmas and that Shannon LOVED. She said she wanted one, just for when she cleans around the house. So I tried my hand at making a apron fit for a princess to go with it. I think it turned out great and can't wait to make one for myself.

Here's a better pic of the crown for itself, you can see all the pretty sequins I sewed on. Oh and that's Margaret in the middle Master Electrician Extroidinare. We like her very much and am sad that her job is confined to tech, so we don't see nearly enough of her. But I think we will be friends outside of the theatre now. Right? he he.

And always a hit is our cast gift. We three on the crew have loved giving a gift to the cast, but just these past two shows have we discovered the myJones. It is such a hoot to see a cast photo on a bottle of soda and the peeps love it. The best is when at first they are like, thanks, I love Jones. But
then they see the pic and go "Woa, holy shit, that is so cool, how did you do that?" I think Kipp had the best reaction in this group, although Chris was a close second. It's always a hit, and they can toss it or keep and it's cool, because we didn't make it (always a consideration with the previously hand made gifts) and split three ways not too expensive. Perfect.
Well that's all I have the stomache for today. More about the shows tomarrow.
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