The shows today were pretty uneventful. Best part was walking to Starbucks with Tiffany and Rawson between shows. Love those two.
Ever seen "Bringing up Baby"? The part when Carey Grant is in the girly bathrobe and the Katherine H's aunt comes to the door. "who are you?" "what do you want?" "who are you?" "who are you?" "why are you dressed like that?" "i guess i just went GAY all of the sudden!" Priceless. Tiffany and Rawson can do it so fast it makes your head spin. and its hilarious.
A highlight EVERY night, is after the show. Its time for drinks, conversation and however else we can amuse ourselves.
Michael, who's butt is on the right often mixes up some tasty mixed drinks for those interested. Love how Chris is checking out his bum. he he.
Oh and the guy in the center is stage manager sub Richard. Have loved having him up in the booth this week. And he lives nearby, so the rides are nice too. Best of all his cute irish wife came by. Thanks for hangin' Richard!
I love hanging out and winding down, but by far the best part of the day is getting home, but no matter how tired I am, I am still wired. This is hard becuase Mike is asleep and I do not feel like being a lone and/or quiet. Mike is out of town tonight, so here I am writing and blaring the Lilly Allen. Its great.
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